Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 22 - The Cursing Tongue

Curse - the expression of a wish that misfortune, evil etc befall someone, a profane or obscene word, hateful, swearing remark.

James 3:10 'Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be.'

I used to have what some people would refer to as a trucker mouth. Although I did have some discretion as to my audience, four letter words were a normal part of my vocabulary.
Before I chose Jesus as my Savior, His name was just another swear word for me. 9 Years ago when I became a Christian, I believe that God cleansed and delivered me from using my words this way.
I confessed taking His name in vain and it no longer felt right to swear or speak in a vulgar manner. I think, some people, as I did, never knew any different and grew up hearing curse words as a 'normal' part of vocabulary. For some it was a bad habitual release of their frustrations.
I admit in the last year or so under stressful or overwhelming situatuons I have thought some of these words. I need to as God as Deborah Pegues did to purge her from profanity and replace them with His expressions.
I love the way she ended this chapter. 'Understanding that profanity resides in the heart helps us to reject the idea that a curse "slipped" out of our mouth. The reality is that it slipped out of the heart. Only God can cleanse a person's heart. If you are challenged with profanity, ask God to purify your heart and your mind. Remember that words are verbal thoughts. We must practice the mental discipline of casting down profane thoughts and using words that bring life to our innermost being and to others.'
Speaking the Truth
Psalm 71:8 'My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long.'
Psalm 139:14 ' I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;your works are wonderful, I know that full well.'

Excerpted from 30 Days to Taming Your Tongue by Deborah Smith Pegues (Harvest House Publishers 2005). Autographed copy of the book and workbook available at

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