Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Life Burst Through!

I can't remember a time when I have ever longed for spring to come as I did this year. A part of that longing was because we moved to a new city in the dead of winter. I craved new life as I adjusted to our new surroundings.
The significance of Easter weekend always makes my heart sing. Along with this time came the beginning of our spring weather. There were occasional warmer days before but this is a week in a row!
The excitement of resurrection Sunday had me awake at 5 am. I read the account of the women at Jesus' tomb as I sat on my veranda watching the sunrise. I tried to imagine their reaction; their range of emotions from despair to elation as they encountered the living Jesus!
Life burst through the tomb!
Spring has sprung through the tomb of winter. The snow has melted, the birds are singing, water is rushing.
Wade and I joined 8 other people who were strangers to us but one in Spirit. We met at a lake near our home Easter morning. We celebrated with joyful hearts what Jesus had done for us.
New life burst forth all around us. Ducks were on the lake and the grass was turning green. We were reflecting on God's goodness to us and a huge flock of geese flew overhead in an amazing formation.
It was a reminder to me that where God is there is life. He arranges the tiniest details. We may not always see if if we are not looking for Him. Especially if our circumstances feel like a tomb. It is our reaction to the things around us that determines our state of heart.
What areas of your life do you need God's life to burst through?
I will end with a portion of the theme from our sunrise service Easter morning. When things are troubling for you, remember Jesus burst through in order to give you life in abundance.
Life Burst Through
Just when we thought it was over, God,
When we'd packed our hope and headed home,
back to the same-old, same-old...
Life burst through!
Stones thrust aside!
Life breathed in stifling tomb!
Light pierced dark crypt
where we had laid you to rest
thinking we were finished with you.
Who would have guessed? Life where we expected death!
God burst your Easter life into our tombs!

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